搜索 贝特丽兹·巴塔妲

  • 白手成家的青年商人黄承德与妻子李琳结婚十年,生活美满. 黄承德经友人介绍, 结识记者叶原,造成叶原与李琳相识的机会,引发婚姻危机. 而黄承德因公赴美, 与情妇梦梦同行. 黄承德一个月后自美返台,李琳在此时发现怀有身孕. 而叶原又与新进女记者结為新欢,三人之关系陷入困境…
  • 别名: In the Darkness of the Night nbsp; 情窦初开的女儿,性情暴戾的父亲,还有看着他们的母亲,一个平淡的家庭,一个不平凡的夜晚,冬夜里,谁也不知道这会是温暖的降临还是家庭伦理悲剧的开始 hellip; hellip;以电视影集成名、偏好社会写实风格的葡萄牙导演乔欧 middot;康尼,曾在《里斯本的故事》(Lisbon Story)客串一个角…
  • In a house, the last trace of a Lisbon that has long disappeared, Guilherme and Sofia grow up sharing experiences and slowly discovering their sexuality. Guilherme, sheltered in a female universe, unable to deal with the uncorresponded love of his sister and her relationships with other boys, ends up running away. Afte…