搜索 Ami

  • 西蒙(比尔·斯卡斯加德 Bill Skarsgård 饰)是一个患有亚斯伯格症的男孩,他是个物理天才,但不能忍受和人发生肢体接触;他有严重的强迫症,一切都要依计划执行;他不高兴就会把铁皮桶当成太空舱,躲在里面不肯出来。西蒙的监护人是他的哥哥山姆(马丁·沃斯特罗姆 Mar tin Wallström 饰),从小到大只有山姆能理解他。山姆的女友因为不堪忍…
  • Lorie Walker (Meagan Good) is a small town girl whose dreams of becoming a dancer come true when she finds fame as a Hip Hop music video star. But when her new career leads her down a dangerous path, she realizes that life in front of the camera is not as glamorous as it seems.
  • California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on his way. Mortimer enters t…
  • Netflix原创电影,描述来自布鲁克林的青少女住在寄养家庭多年的经验使她变得更加坚强。她知道若要回到疏远的父亲身边,唯一的方法就是与男子展开摔角
  • 《禁地》三个英国士兵在醒来后发现自己困在无人区,而更为麻烦的是无人区为德国管辖地界,故事由此展开.
  • 1831年,北美洲某个偏僻的山谷村落,这里流传着一个古老的习俗。每到夏末节(10月31日)当天,村中要将所有不洁净的东西烧掉,其中便包括一个尚在襁褓中的婴儿。婴儿的母亲悲痛欲绝,眼睁睁看着宝贝被投入火中,于是愤而对村民做出诅咒,“每逢夏末节,村中的孩子便会被杀死。”接着这个恶毒的诅咒,邪恶的妖精从火中诞生。 约180年后的今天,中…
  • 警官马库迪被一伙尼日利亚黑帮分子杀害,极度的悲痛驱使他的同事和好友希门尼斯(Aurélien Recoing 饰)、韦索(Jean-Pierre Martins 饰)、东尼(Antoine Oppenheim 饰)和奥萝尔(Claude Perron 饰)等人私自前往黑帮分子盘踞的废弃大厦,准备用自己的力量为马库迪报仇。然而悲伤和愤怒让他们失去了应有的判断力,一番枪战过后,这几名警察被…
  • Horror anthology feature film comprised of a compilation of shorts curated by Fun Size Horror.
  • In the summer of ’76, as President Jimmy Carter pledges to give government back to the people, tensions run high in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood where the Black Panthers once flourished. When Marcus returns—having bolted years…
  • 超级巨星玛西曾让世界拜倒在她的脚下。悲催的是,相比于宝莱坞的事业,她更想和男友雅利安一起安定生活,这就导致了她事业上的衰败。玛西意识到自己需要反击一搏……