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  • 在德国 - 奥地利边境,在山口上发现了尸体。德国调查当局正派遣Traunstein的年轻专职委员Ellie Stocker ,对她来说这是她职业生涯中的第一个重大挑战。但她的奥地利同行,愤世嫉俗且不那么忠诚的检查员Gedeon Winter,最初对合作兴趣不大。  一旦找到进一步的象征性排列的尸体,很明显这是一个连环罪犯。与他的受害者一起,他留下了一个信息。…
  • When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the German-Austrian border, two detectives are sent to investigate. For German detective Ellie, this is the first real challenge of her career; her Austrian counterpart Gedeon though seems to have lost any ambitions in his job. V…